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Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that occurs in 2-3% of the population and progresses with attacks. In recent years, the association of psoriasis with many systemic diseases has attracted attention. For this reason, studies show that health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, inflammatory bowel diseases and cancer can be seen at a higher rate in psoriasis patients.

Psoriasis can appear in different appearances. The most common type is the plaque type. This type appears as plaques that are raised and marked by redness. It can also affect nails and joints, causing deformities and pain. There are approximately 1 million psoriasis patients in Turkey. Although genetic predisposition is an important factor in the development of the disease, the immune system and environmental factors can also affect the onset and attacks of the disease. Psoriasis usually begins in the 20s, and stress stands out as one of the triggers of this disease.

Psoriasis can appear in different appearances. The most common type is the plaque type. This type appears as plaques that are raised and marked by redness. It can also affect nails and joints, causing deformities and pain. There are approximately 1 million psoriasis patients in Turkey. Although genetic predisposition is an important factor in the development of the disease, the immune system and environmental factors can also affect the onset and attacks of the disease. Psoriasis usually begins in the 20s, and stress stands out as one of the triggers of this disease.

Sedef Hastalığı (Psoriasis).webp


What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis, also known as psoriasis, is a dermatological health problem that occurs as a result of the skin trying to renew itself within a few days, contrary to the healthy cycle of the skin, which should normally renew itself every 3-4 weeks. Psoriasis, which is usually seen in areas such as the scalp, elbows, knees and back, can also occur in any skin area. It usually occurs in early adulthood.

While in most cases only certain areas of skin are affected, in more serious cases the disease can affect a large part of the body. Red spots, which can heal over time, may reappear at any time in a person's life.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that occurs in 2-3% of the population and progresses with attacks. In recent years, the association of psoriasis with many systemic diseases has attracted attention. For this reason, studies show that health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, inflammatory bowel diseases and cancer can be seen at a higher rate in psoriasis patients.

Psoriasis can appear in different appearances. The most common type is the plaque type. This type appears as plaques that are raised and marked by redness. It can also affect nails and joints, causing deformities and pain. There are approximately 1 million psoriasis patients in Turkey. Although genetic predisposition is an important factor in the development of the disease, the immune system and environmental factors can also affect the onset and attacks of the disease. Psoriasis usually begins in the 20s, and stress stands out as one of the triggers of this disease. The question of whether psoriasis is contagious is a very curious topic, and it is not contagious.

After the planning is completed, if orthodontic treatment is not necessary, the level disorders in the gums are corrected first. In case of tooth deficiencies, implant procedures and other surgical applications are performed. After the completion of the healing process of surgical interventions, teeth whitening procedures are applied if needed. After this stage, visual and stylistic defects in the teeth are corrected by using aesthetic composite fillings. In cases where this method is insufficient, porcelain, laminated or zirconium veneers are used. During all these gum and dental applications, the targeted smile design is finalised by considering the lip shape and contour.


What are the Symptoms of Psoriasis?

Symptoms of psoriasis may vary from person to person. However, the most common and most prominent symptoms of psoriasis are as follows: Spots on the skin Intense psoriasis-coloured scaling Appearance of small red or whitish spots Tendency to bleeding on dry and cracked skin Intense itching sensation on the skin Thickening of the nails and formation of pits Swelling and stiffness in the joints Red, raised and inflamed wound formation Appearance of whitish or silvery plaques in red wound areas Pain sensation around some wounds Pain in the joint areas

After the planning is completed, if orthodontic treatment is not necessary, the level disorders in the gums are corrected first. In case of tooth deficiencies, implant procedures and other surgical applications are performed. After the completion of the healing process of surgical interventions, teeth whitening procedures are applied if needed. After this stage, visual and stylistic defects in the teeth are corrected by using aesthetic composite fillings. In cases where this method is insufficient, porcelain, laminated or zirconium veneers are used. During all these gum and dental applications, the targeted smile design is finalised by considering the lip shape and contour.


What are the Causes of Psoriasis?

There is actually more than one answer to the question of what causes psoriasis. Some causes of Psoriasis, which is a chronic disease, are:


Genetic Predisposition: One of the most important causes of psoriasis is genetic factors. Having a family history of psoriasis may increase the risk of developing the disease. Even if the parents do not have the disease, genetic predisposition may contribute to the occurrence of the disease.

Stress and Emotional States: Emotional states such as extreme sadness, stress, and depression can increase the risk of psoriasis. Coping with such emotional challenges can help control psoriasis.

Immune System Weakness: A weakened immune system can make the body vulnerable to psoriasis. This may increase the likelihood of developing psoriasis.

Smoking and Alcohol Use: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking may increase the risk of developing psoriasis. Avoiding these harmful habits can help control psoriasis.

Autoimmune Side Effects: Some medications can increase the risk of developing psoriasis, especially iodine, antimalarials, beta blockers, and high blood pressure medications. Long-term use of these medications may trigger symptoms of psoriasis.


These factors are among the possible causes of psoriasis. However, the exact cause of the disease may vary from person to person and is thought to occur as a result of the interaction of more than one factor.


What are the Types of Psoriasis?

Plaque Type Psoriasis

Plaque Type Psoriasis, that is, plaque psoriasis, is generally characterized by red plaques covered with silvery scales on the skin surface. These plaques usually appear on the knees, elbows, scalp and lower back. They may be accompanied by symptoms such as itching, pain, cracking and bleeding.

Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is generally more common in childhood and adolescence. It creates drop-shaped lesions on the skin. Guttate psoriasis can often occur after bacterial respiratory infections and beta blocker drug use.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis can start in small areas such as the palms and soles of the feet and spread. The distinguishing feature of the lesions is that they are filled with pus. Additionally, dandruff may appear on the skin. During active periods, symptoms such as fever, chills and weakness may accompany.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis, although not very common, is characterized by sunburn-like lesions that cover a large part of the body. The disease may be severe and urgent intervention may be required.

Nail Psoriasis

Nail Psoriasis shows symptoms such as pitting, color change, thickening and nail growth in the fingernails or toenails. If nail psoriasis treatment is started late, nails may crumble or separate.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis can cause joint involvement, severe pain in joint areas, swelling and limitation of movement in some patients. It usually occurs in the joints of the hands and feet, but sometimes large joints can also be affected.

If there is skin flaking along with joint involvement, it may be easier to diagnose psoriatic arthritis. However, it may be more difficult to diagnose psoriasis in patients with only joint involvement.

After the planning is completed, if orthodontic treatment is not necessary, the level disorders in the gums are corrected first. In case of tooth deficiencies, implant procedures and other surgical applications are performed. After the completion of the healing process of surgical interventions, teeth whitening procedures are applied if needed. After this stage, visual and stylistic defects in the teeth are corrected by using aesthetic composite fillings. In cases where this method is insufficient, porcelain, laminated or zirconium veneers are used. During all these gum and dental applications, the targeted smile design is finalised by considering the lip shape and contour.


Psoriasis Treatment

Since psoriasis is a chronic disease, there is no permanent cure. However, various treatment methods are used to control the symptoms during periods when psoriasis relapses. Through these methods, inflammation can be reduced and balance can be achieved in the normal reproduction and development processes of skin cells.

Depending on the severity of psoriasis, the following treatment methods can be applied:


Topical Treatments: It is aimed to relieve symptoms by using creams, lotions or ointments applied to the skin. These treatments are generally effective for mild to moderate psoriasis.

Systemic Medications: Medications taken by mouth or given by injection are used to control psoriasis symptoms throughout the body. These medications are used to reduce the severity of the disease and control inflammation.

Light Therapy (Phototherapy): It is a treatment method using UV light or lights of special wavelengths. It is effective for controlling the growth of skin cells and reducing inflammation.

Other Systemic Treatments: Oral or injectable medications such as retinoids, cyclosporine, methotrexate can also be used to treat psoriasis. These medications are generally preferred in more severe cases or in patients who do not respond to other treatments.


These treatment methods should be determined by a dermatologist or specialist doctor depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease. Additionally, regular check-ups and follow-up visits are important to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and update the treatment plan when necessary.

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